This project has moved to javadelight/delight-clients.

Java Client API

A good way to start developing any client application in Java.

Also see the sister project Java Server API.

Why After long trail and error we found a small yet powerful set of core utilities which seem to work well for most client applications in Java. This project is designed to share this set and help make a few decisions right at the beginning.


Instantiating Clients

One application can have one or more clients. These clients embed within them common features useful for application development.

A client can be created as follows:

Client client = Clients.create();


Clients come with capability to store and retrieve multiple logs.

A log can be created and accessed as follows:

client.logs().record(Logs.string("log1", "Just a Message!"));

String allEntries = client.logs().retrieve("log1", String.class).get();

More details can be found in the documentation of the Async Log project.


Metrics such as counters and throughput are natively supported by this API.

Values for a metric can be stored as follows:

client.metrics().record(Metrics.value("stat1", 100));
client.metrics().record(Metrics.value("stat1", 200));
client.metrics().record(Metrics.value("stat1", 300));

String metric = client.metrics().retrieve("stat1").render().get();

Metrics are based on the Lightweight Java Metrics project.


The Client API supports the easy creation of promises:

Promise<String> promise = client.promise(new Operation<String>() {
    public void apply(ValueCallback<ResultType> callback) {

System.out.println("Got: "+promise.get());

More information on promises can be found in the Java Promise project.

Finalizing Clients

Clients need to be finalized since they might perform some work in dedicated threads to minimize the performance impact on the main application.


Maven Dependency

    <version>[latest version]</version>

Find latest version here.

Add repository if required:

        <id>Appjangle Releases</id>


This project is compatible with the following environments:

  • Java 1.6+
  • GWT 2.5.0+
  • Android (any)
  • OSGi (any)

Further Resources

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